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Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

How to get money from

Untuk Bahasa Indonesia Klik Dsini
One more online money-maker program, for those of you who like to make money on the internet. Currently there is a proven web has to pay.

The name of the website is, is the site to shorten links and also to hide the original link, as well as tinyurl and usercash. But the advantages of is that we will get money from every link that we promote on clicks by visitors to your website / blog.

More detail might look like this:

  1. If you register , you will immediately get a bonus $ 5
  2. Any links that visitors click on oursite , will get $ 0001
  3. You will be paid , if the your payment has been $ 20 by paypal and will be processed after 48 hours - 72 hours
The workings of is an innovative service that allows you to earn money from every visitor. 
The workings of quite simple:
  1. shorten your link site with
  2. Links will be shorten, for example a download link a product, peculiar image links, information  links and more information
  3. You can post your links or send to your friends, can also be posted on the web, blogs or in forums or your facebook.
How many payments you get ?

It all depends on the number of people who clicked on your link.
the more people who click your link, the more payment you will get

How you will be paid?

Currently only use paypal to provide payment to you. If you do not have a paypal account. Please register here.

How to register at

register in is easy and free. Well now we will register in

1. Click here to go to the registration page

2. then click the join now button 

    3. Then fill in the registration form and Submit.

    4. Now, you're ready to earn some money by shrinking your URLs and share it to the world.


    | Free Bussines? |

    4 komentar:

    Yudhistira Portrait Blog's mengatakan...

    Neh Saya mampir gan,,!!! Salam kenal,,!!! Follow Billix Multimedia yah,, nanti saya Follow balik,,!!! ^_^

    harry mengatakan...

    mksih bnyk gan. . .
    Billix Multimedia dh sy follow gan. . .

    Kisah Kita Manusia mengatakan...

    5$ lewat adfly, kayaknya menjanjikan tuh.
    Terima kasih kembali atas kunjungan anda sebelumnya. Saya sudah pasang info lain, silakan berkunjung kembali lain waktu.

    harry mengatakan...

    iaa sama".
    slhkan jga brknjung kembali lain waktu

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